Once upon a time, Lela Star didn’t have a huge ass. She was super petite all over except for her naturally busty boobs. I remember looking at her hot little Latina body in softcore glamour pics. Then she entered into hardcore. Over time, her body changed dramatically. Still tiny in height, she suddenly had big lips, implanted tits, and an enormous butt. Some chicks look awful after all that work, but not Lela. Lela rocks it and struts it like no other.
It’s no surprise that Lela has a bunch of videos inside of Brazzers. It’s a network that loves curves, and Lela could put the Kardashian’s to shame with hers. She is the perfect addition to their library. Her body of work is impressive for sure.
Use this big ass discount to Brazzers for 75% off and check out Lela Star’s hottest porn scenes. Brazzers House and Creampie Diaries are good ones to start with. If you want to watch an oldie but goodie, check out her 2010 lesbian scene with Brea Bennett.